Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Maybe I was wrong

Maybe I was wrong
The middle of December I was driving home behind a police officer.  He pulled into the next lane and I went around and started going the speed limit.  He then pulled behind me and turned on his lights.  I pulled over.  He asked do you know why I pulled you over.  I said no.  He said you pulled around me fast and I don't want you go get in a crash.  It's busy and the holidays.  Drive safe.  I was like ok.  At first I was a little bugged, annoyed, and bothered that he even bothered to pull me over.  I'm a good driver.  I wasn't speeding.  When I calmed down I thought maybe I was wrong.  I had heard something about similar to this only a few days before and it applied.  Maybe I was wrong.  Either way it's over and sometimes it's ok to be wrong.

Friday, September 8, 2017

What I've learned from a two yr. old

-I have twins that are 2 3/4.  It's SO fun I think everyone should have twins.  But, I learn so much from them. 
-C get SO excited about the littlest things.  Remember that everything can and should be exciting.  Life is such a gift.
-He also throws tantrums which is fine and totally normal for that age,  I take him in his room so he can freak out there.  When he's still crying he yells, "I want to hold you."  When I'm doing a good job I'll hold him and he will be done with his fit in a few minutes.  When I'm not thinking good thoughts about him I'll get angry and the whole thing will last much longer.  Remember to relax and hold him.  He won't want to be held much longer. 
-The other morning one of them wanted something.  I said I was busy (doing I can't remember) he responded,  "no your not busy."  I need to stop and look at him and help him and enjoy them!
-One always wants daddy, probably because he's much nicer than I am.  Be kind and talk in a kind voice. 
-C started to whine about something and I said, "we're not doing this right now." he said, "ya we are doing this right now." If he wants to throw a tantrum that's ok.  I don't have to mirror his emotion.  I just need to say to myself he's supposed to act this way he's two!  
-Remember that I am the example they see.  How do I want them to parent when they are older?

parenting thoughts

I've come a long way in parenting (I feel so bad for that 1st child), and I know I have so much more room to improve.  One thing I try to do is make our mornings enjoyable.  Sometimes I play music or I'll read to my kids while they are eating breakfast.  If my kids are slow it doesn't help for me to rush them and get angry.  I don't want to drop them off at school being all angry and mad at them.  I have twins that are 2 3/4 and they are SO fun and SO funny.  I think about my 8 & 10 year old when did I stop seeing them as a 2-3 yr. old.  My expectations of the little people are low and everything they say or do is so funny.  So I'm trying to do better and just LOVING the older ones as they are and see them as I see the little people.